My Top 8: The Phenomenauts
Oakland, Calif., certainly can feel like outer-space sometimes, but that city also plays host to a very special cosmically minded troupe, the Phenomenauts. Blending pop-punk, rock 'n' roll and new wave, the fivesome set their eyes on the stars, literally, with loads of space and sci-fi themed tracks like "Make a Circuit with Me," "I Am Robot" and "Galactic Pioneers." The band's fans and the band itself, naturally, rock some mean-lookin' space-inspired duds.
While these galactic rockers may not board an actual spacecraft just yet, their inspiring song "Infinite Frontier" from the latest album "For All Man Kind" scored entry onto NASA's STS-124 shuttle mission to the International Space Station, which launched on Saturday (May 31). It will allegedly be spun as the astronauts' wake-up call. The track also got a video treatment, due to premiere this week. The group will perform at the Shoreline Amphitheatre in Mountain View, Calif., on June 7.
The band took time out to explain to Jaded Insider who is in their MySpace top 8 and why.
The Phenomenauts are more than just us in the band; we on stage are just the Alpha Squadron. The MySpace Top 8 consists of Phenomenauts Cadets in uniform from around the globe. Many of these cadets are pictured wearing their own home-made gear, or are in interesting places like the Great Wall of China. We frequently change which cadets to feature on our Top 8 so different ones have a chance to meet other like-minded Cadets from all over the world.
Our Cadets come first, dominating the top 8, but our MySpace account actually has a "Top 40." After the cadets, there is a section of earth bands we have toured with and have a lot of respect for, followed by a section of bands we are friends with from our local California sector. These are all bands that understand our official slogan of Science And Honor, and active participants in fighting to make the world a better place.