MP3 Premiere: Kayo Dot, "Whisper Ineffable"

Coyote is a 40-minute narrative composition that swirls with cooing violins, whining trumpets, jangling xylophones, and haunting blasts of cosmic debris--easily their most cohesive, heavy-hitting and best album yet. Influenced by early '80s goth and Herbie Hancock's more psychedelic excursions, Coyote is a mini-suite that's at once punishing, sad and gloriously free. The 11-minute "Whisper Ineffable" is the album's second act, an indescribable gust of jazz-fusion, minimalist John Hassell trumpet howl, Zappa-esque blender-benders, and Hawkwind-ready space junk. Says Driver, "I mean, almost everything about this one is different for Kayo Dot, but what makes it familiar to our identity is the escapist quality, the adventurousness, and my compositional idiosyncrasies that I hope, at this point in my life, are recognizably unique to me."
(((Read the full interview and download "Whisper Ineffable" here!)))