These Arms Are Snakes - Brian Cook, Bass

SMN’s more open-minded readers undoubtedly know about These Arms Are Snakes already. Featuring former members of Botch and Kill Sadie, the forward-thinking band fuses propulsive rhythms, dissonant guitar passages, and the kinds of melodies that get stuck in your head long after their songs end. The band is returning with a new album entitled Tail Swallower & Dove and it might just be their best work yet. SMN News caught up with These Arms Are Snakes’ bassist Brian Cook to talk about their new album and the controversy around their former tour with Underoath.
The first impression I got from listening to Tail Swallower & Dove is that it’s a bit more traditional in song structure than your earlier work. Is that a fair assessment
I’d say so. I personally wanted to move away from this breed of A.D.D.
rock. I can respect bands that have tons of parts and play tons of
notes, but I’m more interested in music that can make less sound like
more. Listening to how a lot of Kraut-rock and drone bands can make
really engaging music out of very simple patterns really got me
inspired this time around. Not that our new record sounds like CAN or
Earth or anything.
(((Click to read the entire interview here!)))